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Basic informations

Our powder coating plant is specialized in surface treatment of steels, galvanized and aluminium constructions up to sizes 8x4x2m. Among other surface treatments belong blasting by steel gravel and garnets, dulling of surface by corundum, final surface treatment of stainless steel and aluminium, shot peening, sweeping of hot-dip galvanization etc. In addition to surface treatment our company offers production, supplies and subsequent service of blasting devices.
The company is mainly specialized in injector and pressure blasting equipment from the simplest hand pistols, trough blasting cabins and chambers with automatic collection of blasting material up to special automatic blasters for collective surface treatment of products. More information you can gain on the above mentioned phone numbers or you can visit our website
We look forward to seeing you!

Address of premises:
Hlavní Street 91
250 89 Lázně Toušeň

Address and contacts

Řešetovská 855

Praha 9

193 00

Česká republika

Tel.:+420 326 995 801 - středisko povrchových úprav

Mob.:obchodní oddělení: +420 603 436 321



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